daryl washington or perry riley

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Acinoralas Acinoralas
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daryl washington or perry riley

I know Washington is higher on your list but he is facing a potential suspension and with fletcher gone riley could see even more tackles, which should I keep?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: daryl washington or perry riley

Yah, this is a tough one as Washington could wind up missing anywhere from a couple games to half the season depending on the degree of the final charges. I'd probably still keep Washington as he's in Arizona to stay. They paid him his $10 million bonus and these charges, although bad for him, are stemming from an incident the Cardinals already knew about before they paid him.

I like Riley as a top 20 linebacker this season, but Washington is top 5-10 when playing and over the long run of his career should be a better total fantasy player.