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What to do with Hicks

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What to do with Hicks

So my IDP's are Leonard, Baker and Hicks. I drafted my idps before my WR's this year, since we show so much love to IDP's pointwise can score up to 35-40 pts on a stellar night. All type of bonus! But Hicks has not been performing as I thought he would, only 1 (20 pt) game. Hilton from pitt is returning and was balling before injury 4 (20 pt) games. Should I drop Hicks and pick up Hilton?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: What to do with Hicks

I think Hicks is what he is at this point for the 2020 season, but I still wouldn't drop him for a CB. I know Hilton was stellar early in the season but he's been out a while with this shoulder injury and registered full practices last week and still was inactive. Kind of seems to be the defensive equivalent of Joe Mixon in terms of lingering injury.