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What is going on with Devin White? I thought he was a LB1!

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ohyousooners ohyousooners
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What is going on with Devin White? I thought he was a LB1!

Devin White is the floating turd in my defense. Should I flush?

I don't get it, he's ranked/forecasted highly but his last couple weeks are abysmal to say the least.
Is there something going on with this guy? Would you hold him or drop him?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: What is going on with Devin White? I thought he was a LB1!

Me and you both. Last night was tough to judge because the Bears barely ran the ball so there wasn't much opportunity. Most of the team didn't do much in terms of tackles. He also saw minimal running attempts the previous weeks, so I think that's part of the issue. TB's run defense is now regarded as one of the best in the league so teams are throwing a lot and hard for a linebacker like White to produce when he's not seeing rush attempts. This said, I expect him to be a mixed bag of dud and monster games depending on how opposing offenses approach the Bucs d. So for me he's now more in a boom/bust LB2 tier.