Value of Watt, if used as a TE

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Bonzo Bonzo
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Value of Watt, if used as a TE

If this article proves to be accurate, and Watt gets a few more TD receptions this year, how much higher does that raise his value? I paid a ton for Quinn at auction and am regretting it. I'm considering making a move for Watt before he becomes untouchable. Where would you rank him compared to offensive players - RB2/WR2?


Solo = 1
Asst = .5
.5 Sack = 2
Stuff = 1
Int = 4
PD = 2
FF = 4
FR = 2

theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Value of Watt, if used as a TE

Depends on how much TDs are worth in your league. Assuming 6 points, it's basically a couple extra sacks a year for him. Also, depends on offensive scoring relative to defensive scoring in your league to determine his offensive value.