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Taylor Rapp Injury and John Johnson Outlook

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Taylor Rapp Injury and John Johnson Outlook

John Johnson's stat line was very erratic week in & week out and it seems Taylor Rapp was taking away lot of tackles from him.

Now as Rapp is put on Injured Reserve, will John Johnson come back to his DB1 calibre stat line?

Can keep 2 out of 3 - John Johnson , Justin Simmons & Sorenson. Which 2 to keep?


theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Taylor Rapp Injury and John Johnson Outlook

Don't think Rapp's injury affects Johnson much to be honest. He's just going to be a bit up and down. I'd still keep Johnson and Simmons but it's super tough to cut Sorenson right now since he's so hot. I just have a feeling based on past history, he may start to cool off a bit.