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Scoring systems

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TommyL31@gmail.com TommyL31@gmail.com
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Scoring systems

Hi all,

New to this site and new to IDP leagues. I'm looking to start an IDP only league and trying to figure out a good scoring system and starting lineup/roster construction. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also if you have a system you'd like I'd like to hear the relative strengths and weaknesses of it.

Originally I was thinking of having a roster of
1 DT/NT, 2 DE, 2 ILB/MLB, 2 OLB, 2 S, 2 CB to mimic a real defense (specifically a 3-4 defense) but it seems like most leagues don't go that granular and just have D-line spots, Lineback spots, and DB spots.

It seems like this simplifies things but doesn't it diminish the importance of defensive tackles and cornerbacks?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Scoring systems

It can get a bit tricky when you get this granular as it leaves more room for loopholes. The classification of a IDP's position is ultimately up to the league management services you use (ESPN vs. Yahoo! vs. MFL, etc.) and they don't always get the classification right. For instance, I used Bryan Scott as a DB for an entire year even though he was playing LB. Probably won me the championship. Not against the rules, but some may argue that is presents a certain inherent unfairness to newbies who don't know these loopholes. From my experience, it's best to keep it simple to begin with and expand from there. Most people are overwhelmed in their 1st year with IDPs anyways and you don't want to scare them away with too much, too fast :)

I play in a ton of different leagues. But a lot of them use 3 DLs, 3 LBs, and 3 DBs. This always for a fairly equal weight across all three positions.