Ruud or Johnson? Your take on the Mayo-situation

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Ruud or Johnson? Your take on the Mayo-situation

Hey Guru
You have ranked them closely on the re-draft list. Who is the most beneficial LB in a tackle-heavy IDP league.

And how much will the rumours of Mayo loosing the MLB-position affect him. Is it time to trade for Beason, Timmons or Willis?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Ruud or Johnson? Your take on the Mayo-situation

That is a tough one. I think Johnson is the more reliable option. However, I think Ruud has the higher ceiling due to the Titans propensity to have an absurd amount of tackle opportunities. You won't go wrong with either option.

I currently have Mayo ranked third in my rankings behind Willis and Beason and I plan on keeping him there. The Patriots are running more 4-3 than in years past and Mayo is playing the weak side in that particular package. However, it's important to recognize that New England is running a 4-3 underfront which means Mayo is still playing in the most productive fantasy position as the WLB in an underfront acts similarly to a WLB in a Cover 2.

- The IDP Guru