Rams DBs Fuller or Rapp

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chof94 chof94
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Rams DBs Fuller or Rapp

With Jordan Fuller set to return and Rapp playing well, how do you see the split working out?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Rams DBs Fuller or Rapp

Good question. Doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure yet. Given Fuller was out a few weeks, I would expect him to be eased in a bit, especially with Rapp playing relatively well. Rams play a lot of three safety sets so room for them to both play a decent amount of snaps, just a matter of figuring out who is the starter and who is the third safety. Rapp has played better in coverage than in run defense, so I could see him being the third safety they bring in passing situations. I'm avoiding these guys for fantasy this week unless we get more clarity before kickoff.