Pat Angerer?

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Khy Khy
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Pat Angerer?

What's the deal with Angerer as of late? Came on really hot in the early going and has really faded away as of late. My league scores pretty much solo tackles only... 1pt per solo and 2pt per turnover (FR, FF, INT). So I've been sitting here all day staring at Angerer wondering if I should drop him for someone like Derrick Johnson or Hawthorne this week to fill in for Bishop? We run a start 3 league and right now my guys are Bishop, Bowman, McCourty and Angerer. Just wondering if Angerer is worth the slot or if I'll see more value from Johnson or Hawthorne going forward. Mainly this week though, as I'll never be sitting Bishop and so far Bowman and McCourty have been lights out every week... so it's possible I won't even need the space after this week is over as Bishop, Bowman and McCourty will have all gotten past their byes.
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Pat Angerer?

Angerer has been in large part a victim of the Indy scorekeeper who doesn't hand out many solo tackles. In your league, I like Hawthorne more moving forward. However, I wouldn't trust McCourty this week against Indy. They have been a HORRIBLE matchup as they offer no tackle opportunity. I'd rather have Angerer for this week.
Khy Khy
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Re: Pat Angerer?

Yea... I don't really like McCourty either... but I don't have much of a choice in starting him. Unless I wanted to drop him to pickup someone else. Which I'd rather not do as I really like McCourty so far and going forward. I did drop Angerer for Hawthorne this week. As for McCourty I'm just starting him and hoping he gets a few tackles and maybe a pick or two to salvage an otherwise bad match up. Granted it is possible that from here on out I'm starting Bishop, Hawthorne and Bowman for the remainder of the season, still not sure that dropping McCourty for a one week filler is valuable.