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Okudah and McKinney

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Ktemery1 Ktemery1
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Okudah and McKinney

What are your thoughts on Jeff Okudah (#3 pick) and Xavier McKinney (#36 pick) as far as a long-term Dynasty players?  I know Mckinney has been on the IR, and Okudah (#3 pick) is in a crowded Lions CB rotation. thanks,
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Okudah and McKinney

It's rare for top notch corners to have sustained long-term value as either a) they become very good and opposing teams don't throw at that much and therefore they have limited opportunity or b) they "bust" and fall out of the league. Okudah should be solid for us in his rookie season but I wouldn't place a ton of long-term value on him outside of deeper dynasty/CB-required formats.

McKinney is more of a roaming safety so I think he will be a bit more big play reliant/higher variance than guys like Winfield and Chinn who see a lot of time up in the box.