Lavonte David no longer a LB1?

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Ezra Ezra
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Lavonte David no longer a LB1?

What's up with Lavonte David? Is it time to give up on him in shallower leagues? It just seems like he's not around the ball anymore. I could replace him with someone like Kevin Minter, Stephone Anthony, or even Kwon Alexander. Is it worth keeping the faith with David?
wayzupusc wayzupusc
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Re: Lavonte David no longer a LB1?

Have been wondering myself what is up with Lavonte this year....not one of the WOW type games that were pretty regular for him last year.  Maybe opponents are scheming to run plays away from him?  Maybe he's got a lingering injury that isn't severe enough to be on the injury report?  Maybe the TB D-line isn't doing as well and blockers are getting to him?

Whatever it is...I've considered the past couple weeks to sit him for Shazier or the rook Eric Kendrick who has been pretty solid since assuming the #1 job in MIN.  
Primetime21 Primetime21
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Re: Lavonte David no longer a LB1?

David isn't as good as last year simply for the fact of Kwon, another really good fast LB whos finding the football. Also Smith and the DL has been better having someone else who can play other than McCoy. Hes still an LB1, and one of the best, but he just isn't Jordan anymore, hes more like Pippen.