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LB Outlook: Kiser vs Johnson

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themorey themorey
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LB Outlook: Kiser vs Johnson

I'm looking for a LB3 between Micah Kiser (LAR) and AJ Johnson (DEN).  My league starts 2 LB and has an IDP flex as well.  Points are pretty standard.

I like both of these guys as under the radar options on teams with a strong DL that will give them freedom to operate.  They are both replacing guys who put up good numbers last year.  And it appears as though both are 3 down backers.

I'm leaning towards Kiser because he seems to be the more athletic of the 2.  I think that may give him more options in coverage like PD, INT and tackles.

What do you think?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: LB Outlook: Kiser vs Johnson

I'd go Johnson. He was productive last year and graded out as a top 5 LB by PFF. The team trusts him enough to run the defense that they cut Todd Davis. I like Kiser as well but he has more question marks around him and is more unproven.
JezCat JezCat
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Re: LB Outlook: Kiser vs Johnson

I'm rolling with Kiser to start the season but I've got Jayon Brown on speed dial in case Kiser, Shaq Thompson or Bush don't live up.