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Joey Bosa

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tiwaniuk tiwaniuk
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Joey Bosa

What's up with this guy? Underperforming all season, and left Sunday's game with a concussion.

My league only starts 3 IDP's (DB, DL and LB). Is it worth dropping him and just streaming the DL position for the hot hand/good weekly matchup? For example, Montez Sweat or Stephon Tuitt for week 9.
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Joey Bosa

Even the best of DEs can have a string of dud games - it's just how the position goes. However, an elite player like Bosa is usually going to finish in his expected range. I wouldn't cut bait although I do think Tuitt is a top 10ish matchup this week against the Cowboys.