If I did not put all that broke a small storm that will take over in front of the feelings laugh

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Khein Khein
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If I did not put all that broke a small storm that will take over in front of the feelings laugh

Kazakhstan asked the students if the teacher is a problem, but ask for a long time, the students still no response, the teacher criticized him, said: "You must not listen carefully in class, I stand up!" The students answer the teacher said: "The teacher you criticism too well, is simply wisdom ah!

Can you guess the teacher will not be to the gas half to death him? ʱ?? This in the end is to let the teacher or teacher getter fuel ah? Ha, if we have the emergence of a class of such a "good student", then we will not be him laughable strange!

   It seems, "nice" is not so easy to do, regardless of life we can not do anything mechanically, but to distinguish the speaker's tone and occasions fishes, otherwise it will be sudden, like Sima Hui same joke!