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I do have a very sound DB corps (M Burnett, Harper, Bell, Chancellor and G Wilson). I am not sure how serious Chancellor injury is, but with Chancellor likely out this week and his bye week is week 6, is it ok to drop him and pick up Giordano? This week is a must win situation for my team (1-2 now). As Bell's bye week is next week, if Chancellor cannot come back from injury next week, there will be a void in my DB starting lineup. Giordano will face Hou next week, another good matchup although Huff may come back.

The question is whether Chancellor is that much talented to wait until his return or Giordano will shine (definitely this week) down the road. If my team is 3-0, I will take the chances, but I need to win now. Other than Giordano, Arrington and Joseph are available in the market if you suggest to pick up at the cost of Chancellor. What would you suggest?

The Big Wrench The Big Wrench
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Re: Giordano

Huff has been practicing and is slated to star barring any set backs.I would hold on to chancellor though, see if quin is out there, a nice match up against pittsburgh,i too picked up giordano for the opportunity this week, and I have chancellor as doubtful.