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Frustration with IDP

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Kris Kris
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Frustration with IDP

As I have begun to play in IDP leagues, I get frustrated when I see official score keepers simply get things wrong.  I happened to be watching the Thanksgiving game, Miami and Dallas and I own Y. Bell. I noted two plays right at the end of the game where he should have been provided a tackle or assist and was not. Didn't think much about it but ended up losing by less than the value  of one tackle assist. I don't think the NFL reviews specific tackles very closely if they are not involving a sack, so no adjustments were made. Has anyone else seen things like this? I am sure I have benefited it in the past but having so much personal judgement involved in scoring is a bit frustrating.
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Frustration with IDP

It happens quite a bit. Just look at the disparity between how certain scorekeepers record assists vs. tackles (e.g. Indy scorekeeper gives out WAY too many assists and not enough solos). Sometimes you get screwed, sometimes it works in your favor. Nothing you can obviously do about it.