Draft Attendees

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Sarisin Sarisin
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Draft Attendees

I know the response to this is subjective depending on your leagues, but I'm wondering what you are seeing as far as attendees to live snake/auction drafts?

I realize many are in established leagues (I'm in 4 of those myself) and generally, the turnout is good. However, I also like to sign up for general leagues with 14-20 teams and at least 8 IDPs on NFL.com, Yahoo and ESPN.

I mentioned about the one league where the LM was a cheat. Two other leagues just crashed and disbanded when it came time for the draft (one the LM didn't show and there was no one to set the draft order and the others several teams dropped at the last minute).

However, I have been in three drafts that ran as follows:

1. 16 team league, 3 managers showed up for the draft
2. 14 team league, 6 managers showed up for the draft
3. 20 team league, 5 managers showed up for the draft

#3 was yesterday and was just horrible. Incredibly, the LM set the draft for 15 secs between picks and then didn't show for the draft. It really was like an Auto Pick draft and my IDP app was not usable. I made a bunch of mistakes with the pressure as the 15 secs went by quickly. Fortunately, there were some good players left as FA I went back and picked up.

The bigger question is why do so many managers sign up for live drafts and just not show? I realize things come up, but the percentage of no-shows is so high you have to wonder what is going on. The reason I bring it up here is that it definitely affects YOUR draft when there are draft robots picking for the no-shows and you don't have much time to study your notes, queue, app, whatever.

Anyone, what are your strategies when you run into drafts like this, if you do?

theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Draft Attendees

I honestly am kind of removed from these type leagues. I have "Expert" leagues that I'm mainly involved in and then personal live drafts I've been in for years. I don't bother with drafts where I don't know a majority of owners in some way because you run into issues like this which I find super annoying.

It's best to try and develop leagues or join leagues with people you meet in forums, work, etc. That way you have some idea of what you are getting yourself into.