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Devin Bush

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Ktemery1 Ktemery1
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Devin Bush

Is there anything unusual in scheme or with the opponents that we are not seeing better numbers from Bush?  His snap count is looks good in the first three games, but his fantasy points are not what I would expect.  You have him #16 ROS.  On the other hand, I also have Bostic, and in my league he's averaged 21.2 points thru 4 games.  He's at #36 ROS.  Appreciate your insight.  
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Devin Bush

I moved up Bostic quite a bit in ROS rankings last week. With Bush, I think the biggest issue is he has a ton of competition for fantasy points between T.J. Watt, Vince Williams playing well, and Bud Dupree. Plus Heyward soaks up tackles on the D-line and Edmunds playing up in the box too.

Bush has a nice matchup against Philly this week so his performance in that game will be a really good indicator of how we approach him for the rest of the season. I have some shares so banking on a solid performance in Week 5.