DE/DT and CB/S Splits

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Sarisin Sarisin
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DE/DT and CB/S Splits

I purchased and am using the Draft Guide. However, this guide like most do not give the splits for DTs, DEs, CBs and Ss.

I have 4 drafts coming up this weekend and all of them have IDP which are broken out this way. The toughest are two leagues which have slots for 2 DTs. One is a 16 team league, the other a 20 team league. It seems to me after the first dozen or so DTs you are really reaching and I guess the strategy would be to grab two decent DTs early on. A listing of say, the top 25 or so of each would be most helpful.

I'm wondering if there is an IDP listing that breaks out the DT/DE and CB/S rather than having DL and DB.

Thank you

theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: DE/DT and CB/S Splits

I will work on seeing if I can get the draft guide split in this manner. In the mean time, I have some rankings on the site that cover DTs and CBs. They aren't as deep as you probably need, but should help some. As always, feel free to reach out with any specific questions. Links to the articles are below:
