DB question

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Gordon Gordon
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DB question

How would you rank the follow in terms of floor and ceiling. it's a slightly tackle heavy league.

Mark Barron
Thomas Decoud
Laron Laundry
Bernard Pollard

I'm really leaning towards Barron here but am just not sure. I have a pretty good offer which would have me giving up tyvon branch, so what would you say is the drop off to Barron?

theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: DB question

I think Barron is a fairly safe DB2 play. Landry's ceiling is higher but there is a lot more risk there. Pollard is probably your safest play out of anyone in a tackle heavy league.

In Dennis Allen's system, Branch could easily finish as the top DB. I'd rank Barron and Pollard in the top 10-15, so there is a dropoff there (DB1-DB2+ish). It all depends on how much you are getting on the other side of the trade.

Hope this helps!

Gordon Gordon
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Re: DB question

thanks, that does help