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Cory Littleton

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djryval djryval
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Cory Littleton

What's going on with Littleton this year?  I drafted him as one of my 3 LB starters and he's not putting up any kind of production so far.  He's shown up in the top 10 rankings on most IDP sites for both weeks.  Should I look elsewhere, or be patient?
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Cory Littleton

Switching to a new team/defense & not having a proper off-season has caused him to be behind & slow to react to plays. Given history of other Rams LBs that went to other teams and saw big fantasy value drop offs, I'm concerned and have bumped Littleton down to LB3+ range ROS.
djryval djryval
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Re: Cory Littleton

I appreciate the info, ended up replacing him with Myles Jack for this week and probably from here on out.