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Chris Jones and Chase Young

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Ktemery1 Ktemery1
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Chris Jones and Chase Young

I got both of these guys in my league. The production for both of them doesn't seem to match their current ranking: Jones (ROS 14) and Young (ROS 7).  I am a little more disappointed in Young than Jones, but still not sure what to do with either.  The two next best options of available players is Hicks and Leonard Williams. What are your thoughts on Jones and Young.
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Chris Jones and Chase Young

DLs are tough and require patience. This is a position where the cream usually rises and it only takes one big game for them to end up jumping way up the points scored rankings. They both have good matchups this week (LVR #1 matchup for DTs and CIN #10 matchup for DEs). So I would stick with them this week.