Bradley Roby

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Bradley Roby

Anyone have impressions of him so far this season?  There speculation of him playing a hybrid CB-S role, but it seems like he's primarily playing Nickel Back.  The past two weeks he's only seen 50% of the snaps.  Last week he had one assist and one pass deflection.  fortunately this week he managed to recover a fumble for a touchdown.  Otherwise he had ZERO tackles and ZERO pass deflections.  Is this due to the types of offenses he's played the first two weeks or will this be a trend moving forward?  I like his talent, but if he can only get on the field for 50% of the snaps, I'm concerned.
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Re: Bradley Roby

The hype around him was insane this year, if you check his game log, he started off hot then didn't do anything the last 8-10 weeks. Talib and Harris are both worth starting in most IDP leagues but not Roby eventho a lot of sites have him rated higher.