Barnett, McClain, and Washington

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Barnett, McClain, and Washington

In your weekly ranks you have Barnett ahead of McClain and Washington but in the start/sit you give Barnett a 4 and the other two a beast rating of 5.  So who should start?  I have Barnett listed but he is nursing an ankle injury and "probable".  The other two are available FA's in our league so I could easily make the swap.  Any help appreciated.  Thanks.  BC
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Barnett, McClain, and Washington

Bill has complete control of the starts and sits. I don't touch them. I stand by rankings. I think McClain and Washington are both great matchups, but Barnett has the same upside with less risk in my opinion. They should probably all be 5s. Start Barnett.