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Annoying logins

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Sarisin Sarisin
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Annoying logins

I'm not sure if this is the place for this, but it is annoying to have to keep entering my login every time I move to a separate page in the site. I login when I first access, but then if I go to the forum I have to login again. Then, if I want to go back to say the third down linebackers again I am asked for my login.

Is there some way a login could have access to the entire site without having to re-enter again and again?

Thank you
theidpguru theidpguru
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Re: Annoying logins

Unfortunately, I'm limited by the backend of my website management system being old. So my password protection is non-ideal. I do plan on upgrading the site next year to have the ability for everyone to have unique login information.

What you can do is once you are in the guide, just click any links to open in a new window (control+clicking the link). That way you will always have the draft guide page stay open in your browser.

Hopefully it's not too big of a hassle since it's just one page that is password protected on the entire site.