16 team dynasty league

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16 team dynasty league

thought I would post this on here to see if anyone on here was interested. I started a 16 team dynasty league with some friends and guys on rotoworld forum that know a lot about fantasy football so it should be very competitive and active league but its not idp.

Rosters will be: QB, 2 RB, 2WR, RB/WR, TE, K, Def, 7 bench spots, 2 IR spots

Keep 8 players every year with no restrictions on who you keep or losing picks or anything like that

scoring will be partial scoring for example every rush/rec yard is 0.1 points and there will be bonuses for things like throwing for more then 400 or 500 yeards, rush/rec over 100 yards or scoring tds on a play longer then 40 or 50 yards

I'm using paypal since around half of the guys are bringing me their buy in and dont want to put it in leaguesafe

draft is on sunday sept 2 at 7:15 pm est

if you have any questions or are interested either post on here, send me a pm, or you can email me at lawilt@ncsu.edu